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Order Form for Film Purchase 8 / 16 mm

(for international shipping)

Color Reversal
Description Art.No. Price in €, excl. VAT % Quantity Add to Wishlist Delete
Kodak Ektachrome 100D 7294 982 50,40 /
Kodak Ektachrome 100D incl. voucher * 9822 77,00 /
B&W Reversal
Description Art.No. Price in €, excl. VAT % Quantity Add to Wishlist Delete
Kodak Tri-X (200 ASA) 7266 981 35,30 5% discount for 20 or more cartridges
Kodak Tri-X incl. voucher * 9812 59,00 5% discount for 20 or more cartridges
Color Negative
Description Art.No. Price in €, excl. VAT % Quantity Add to Wishlist Delete
Kodak Vision 3 - 50 D 7203 987 35,30 5% discount for 20 or more cartridges
Kodak Vision 3 - 200 T 7213 988 35,30 5% discount for 20 or more cartridges
Kodak Vision 3 - 500 T 7219 989 35,30 5% discount for 20 or more cartridges
Standard 8 / 8mm
Description Art.No. Price in €, excl. VAT % Quantity Add to Wishlist Delete
Fomapan R (2 x 10m) 9841 16,80 /

* Vouchers include standard development and standard airmail shipping (unregistered, uninsured) of the processed film. (Film scanning has to be ordered separately!)

Color Reversal
Description Art.No. Price in €, excl. VAT % Quantity Add to Wishlist Delete
Kodak Ektachrome 100D (7294) (30,5m) 9515 85,00 /
Kodak Ektachrome 100D (122m) 9516 340,00 /
B&W Reversal
Description Art.No. Price in €, excl. VAT % Quantity Add to Wishlist Delete
Kodak Tri-X (7266) (30,5m) 9522 71,00 /
Kodak Tri-X (122m) 9521 205,00 /
B&W Negative
Description Art.No. Price in €, excl. VAT % Quantity Add to Wishlist Delete
Kodak Double-X (7222) (30,5m) 9531 58,40 5% discount for more than 500,- €, 10% discount for more than 1000,- €, 10% discount in general for students and universities
Kodak Double-X (122m) 9534 201,68 5% discount for more than 500,- €, 10% discount for more than 1000,- €, 10% discount in general for students and universities
Color Negative
Description Art.No. Price in €, excl. VAT % Quantity Add to Wishlist Delete
Kodak Vision 3 - 50 D (7203) (30,5m) 9508 58,40 5% discount for more than 500,- €, 10% discount for more than 1000,- €, 10% discount in general for students and universities
Kodak Vision 3 - 50 D (122m) 9507 201,68 5% discount for more than 500,- €, 10% discount for more than 1000,- €, 10% discount in general for students and universities
Kodak Vision 3 - 200 T (7213) (30,5m) 9509 58,40 5% discount for more than 500,- €, 10% discount for more than 1000,- €, 10% discount in general for students and universities
Kodak Vision 3 - 200 T (122m) 9510 201,68 5% discount for more than 500,- €, 10% discount for more than 1000,- €, 10% discount in general for students and universities
Kodak Vision 3 - 250 D (7207) (30,5m) 9505 58,40 5% discount for more than 500,- €, 10% discount for more than 1000,- €, 10% discount in general for students and universities
Kodak Vision 3 - 250 D (122m) 9506 201,68 5% discount for more than 500,- €, 10% discount for more than 1000,- €, 10% discount in general for students and universities
Kodak Vision 3 - 500 T (7219) (30,5m) 9503 58,40 5% discount for more than 500,- €, 10% discount for more than 1000,- €, 10% discount in general for students and universities
Kodak Vision 3 - 500 T (122m) 9504 201,68 5% discount for more than 500,- €, 10% discount for more than 1000,- €, 10% discount in general for students and universities
Description Art.No. Price in €, excl. VAT % Quantity Add to Wishlist Delete
Reel / can (metal) 8mm - 60m 961 10,00 /
Reel / can (metal) 8mm - 120m 962 15,00 /
Film plicing patches S8 mm - 4 frames / Mono - 50 pcs. 1951 10,50 /

More equipment (different leaders, spools / cans, etc.) available. Prices and availability on request.

+ shipping costs + VAT corresponding to delivery address (country)

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I hereby authorize Andec to debit the total amount due from my credit card.

Shipping options

* depending on availability and costs

We reserve the right to change the selected shipping option if it is not suitable for the provided delivery date and / or location.

The indicated times are averages of the corresponding delivery services.
Unfortunately, due to the geopolitical situation, all delivery time guarantees of the delivery companies are currently suspended.

Indicated delivery times refer only to the transport times of the shipping providers. Handling times may vary.